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ELIXIRS & CO | Ref: 01010101


Regular price
12,95 €
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Sale price
12,95 €
Tax included.


Organic brandy (99.6%)vol, Vegetable extracts (1/250) :Agrimonia/Agrimonia eupatoria

Organic certified by Ecocert

It helps you communicate with others and express your feelings more easily.

"Jovial, cheerful and humorous people who love peace and are distressed by arguments or fights, to avoid which they will agree to give up a lot.

Although they are generally troubled and tormented and restless and worried in mind or body, they hide their worries behind their humor and jokes and consider themselves very good friends to get to know. They often take alcohol or drugs to excess, to stimulate themselves and help them bear their trials with joy." Edward Bach - 1935

This description of the problem is the one described by Dr. Bach in the 1936 edition of The Twelve Healers, translated into French by C. Levi and G. Wolf, from the Collected Writings of Edward Bach (© Ed. FRP, 1987).

Strictly elaborated according to Dr. Bach's original formula, our Bach flower remedies are natural preparations made with wild flowers harvested at full maturity and handcrafted. They may be suitable for everyone and do not induce any adverse effects or interfere with other treatments.

Each one is specifically designed to treat a different emotional state, and helps us manage the ups and downs of daily life with its demands.

Ecological certificate by Ecocert.

10 ml dropper bottle.

Translation done with the free version of the translator

Precautions for use

Indications of use

Diluye 4 gotas del Elixir en un vaso de agua y bebe tantas veces como sea necesario.


Brandy ecológico (99,6%)vol, Extractos de plantas (1/250) :Agrimony/Agrimonia eupatoria
Certificado bio por Ecocert

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